Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year Beautiful people!

May God Bless you all!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Merry Christmas

Hey y'all I just want to say merry christmas to. I have enjoyed blogging with you and lots of you have tickled me lots. I am glad I met you! Be safe during this festive season and blog on in 2006. God bless you all!

From Tony Blair and Farmgal tsk tsk tsk

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Toilet Roll 4

Your nasty inlaws when they visit over christmas

Sunday, December 11, 2005

funny pics

If I dont make it I might do this lol!
Is this you? leave the comp and go on holiday.

Scratch 'my car broke down' from your list of excuses for missing work.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

An answered prayer!

Afew months ago my friend came to my workplace and shared with me the worst news. She had just tested HIV+ I expected her to be down in the pits, on the contrary she was all positive and told everyone to play it safe.

Can I say that she is 40yrs old and has only had two sexual partners all her life. From what she told me I think her ex hubby must have brought the disease home. Her first who is the father of her 13yr old daughter was a faithful guy. Lakini her exe hubby was not a one woman man. Ontop of that he used to beat her up ..thats why they got divorced three years ago.

To cut a very long story short, she went for a second test and now she is HIV- When she told me that today I didnt know what to say but thanks you God! We prayed together and number of people have prayed for her too . She believed that she would get healed and indeed she has received her healing.

Her doctor advised her to keep on with the medication and expressed his astonishement. She will be going for another test soon.
Please pray!