Thursday, May 05, 2005

I love a conversation

I am at my mate's house the other day and we are having a laugh. Jokes are being thrown left, right and centre and the neighbours are complaining. We are louder than the music blaring from the tenje. Its seems like everything thats spoken is a joke. I am having a fab time!

There is this guy sitting there staring at his can of whatever obviously he doesn't get the jokes.

Wrong! He can't speak English. I decide to make some conversation and thats how I discover. He can only speak spanish, the sister is across the room and swings over to translate....this is interesting.

Its time to go clubbing but for me it's time to go home. I am saying my goodbyes amidst protest that I should go clubbing too. As I say bye bye to the spanish speaking fella's brother in-law, he whispers into my ear that the bratha likes me alot...already!

I drive off wondering if I'd ever date anyone whom a conversation is out of question!


At 10:25 pm, May 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl...ebu get habla-ing Espanol rĂ¡pidamente... :-)

Though some would say who needs words when you are in love?

At 4:23 am, May 06, 2005, Blogger bee said...

love knows no language barrier...

At 12:58 pm, May 06, 2005, Blogger admin said...

Bless you, my sister. Great conversation is vital.
Thank you for visiting my website. Much Love. Much Respect.

At 8:02 am, May 17, 2005, Blogger moggaless said...

I thought love has no barriers or bounderies??????


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